Here at Wishloop, we know first-hand the revenue potential of a white label business opportunity…
Because before developing our own SaaS (Wishloop) we got our “big break” with a white label software program…
Basically, this is when you license a proven software to resell under your own brand-name. This is a gives you an instant asset to leverage, without having to worry about the upfront investment or technical development…
As such, the white label software business model is the best way to build a passive-income online – without needing a development team or big budget…
So we created the Wishloop Partner Program to give other entrepreneurs a genuine “short-cut” to having their own white-label software business.
(Read more about our story – and why we created the Wishloop Partner Program here)
If you’re wondering whether this is the right business model for you, here are our top 7 benefits of having a white label software business:
#1: Instantly have Your Own Branded Asset (without the technical headaches)
The white label business model lets you bypass the normal obstacles to starting your own software business.
Building your own software from scratch takes a LOT of time, money, and expertise…
First, you need a good idea. Then you need to spec it out, design wireframes, hire a development team etc…before spending months managing your developers to build and test your software…
…Then after all of that, you still can’t be sure your users will love your software.
So all your time, money and work could be for nothing 🙁

In contrast, the white label model gives you a proven asset that can generate recurring income for you, 24/7 – right out the gate.
#2: A White Label Software Business has Global Reach + Huge Market
Your software can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection – so there are no geographical barriers to finding customers. For example, Wishloop has customers in over 50 different countries!
There’s also a growing demand for software; businesses are increasingly looking to automate their online work with software solutions. Just look at this trend here:

The average business now has 20 SaaS subscriptions – and this is doubling every year!
So there are literally 1000s of potential customers waiting for you across the globe!
#3: A White Label Software Business has No Physical Overheads
A software business has lower running costs than many businesses. This is chiefly because you don’t have to worry about physical product inventory, storage or delivery costs.
You don’t even need to rent an office. You just need a laptop and internet connection to operate your business. So you can work wherever you like.

Therefore a software subscription business has higher profit margins 🙂
#4: A White Label Software Business gives you Passive Recurring Income
One of the most obvious benefits of having a SaaS is the freedom to generate recurring income, even when you’re not personally working.
If you have subscribers paying a monthly fee to access your product, then you have guaranteed income coming in each month that’s NOT dependent directly on you.
This is the secret to building a scalable business…and true wealth creation.
So if you’re selling your time for cash right now, consider investing in an asset that will work for you instead…
#5: “Subscription Stacking” = Cumulative Growth
With a subscription business, you can GROW your revenue each month by making the SAME number of sales.
For example, imagine you have a SaaS that you charge users $100 per month to access. In order to grow your revenue by $1000 each month, you just need to sell 10 new subscriptions a month.
So in Month 1, you’d make $1000; Month 2: $2000; Month 3: $3000; and so on…
In other words, you do the same thing each month (make 10 sales). But your bottom line increases 🙂
Why? Because you’re “stacking” your subscriptions. Which is to say, for each subscriber, you only have to make the sale once, but they keep paying you to use the product every month. So each new subscriber is “stacked on top” of your existing subscriber base…
Pretty awesome right?
#6: Mitigating Traffic Costs
Every online business needs to invest time and money into generating traffic, right? Whether it’s via SEO, social media or paid ads.
Therefore, to maximise your profit margin, you need to keep your traffic costs (i.e., your average “cost per sale”) as low as possible.
With a subscription business, you don’t need to pay for repeat sales, because they happen automatically.
So your average cost-per-sale is a lot less than non-subscription businesses.
#7: A White Label Software Business is Easy to Automate
Many aspects of running a software business can be automated – from the sales process to product fulfilment and customer on-boarding.
For example, if someone signs up to take a free 14-day trial, they automatically receive their login details via email. Then they are sent an automated series of emails to help get them started. If they have any questions they can head to the knowledge base to watch pre-recorded video tutorials. And if they choose to upgrade to a paid plan, then their account automatically upgrades as soon as they pay.
As a result, it’s possible to run a software business that serves 1000s of users, with just a few full-time staff.
The more you can automate the running of your business, the easier it is to grow your profits…

All these factors combined make the white label software model one of the best ways to build a scalable passive income online.
Interested in starting your own white label software business?
Discover more about the Wishloop White Label Partner Program here