E-mail marketing is definitely one of the most powerful tools in any marketer’s toolbox! It is a proven, effective technique that promises high returns on your investments and it helps you segment your audience.
If you’re not using email marketing, then what’s your excuse?
There is no question that e-mail marketing will be an ever effective medium to build a space online. Mails promoting various brands are frequently found in our e-mail inbox. The number of mails landing in inboxes is increasing everyday.
E-mail tops the list of active accounts and users with 6.9 billion individual accounts at the end of 2014.
The number of active e-mail accounts is three times the users of Facebook and Twitter combined at that time.
The total posts on Facebook is just 0.2% of the number of e-mails sent each day (excluding spam mails).
Thus the growing importance of social media will not lead to decrement in the importance and use of e-mail. Nor will e-mail marketing be much affected by increase in marketing activity on social networks.
The DMA reports that the ROI of e-mail marketing is 4000%.
The key factors behind the success of e-mail marketing are:
- E-mail gives you the luxury of personalizing campaigns to target your intended audience. You can also alter your campaign to reflect their interests.
- E-mail is the most widely used medium for companies to communicate and build business relationships. No private business chat takes place on a social network.
- E-mail marketing is cost-effective. It allows you to create campaigns quickly and efficiently without driving up expenses.
- E-mail works great on segmented audience. When you start e-mail marketing campaign for an audience with particular interests, they are more likely to give it a shot.
- People may or may not see a post on Facebook and Twitter, but they will definitely notice a mail in their e-mail accounts. Thus, e-mail marketing gets you more attention from each potential lead.
- Your regular e-mail newsletters keep you to stay at the top of the minds of your existing customers and thus they are more likely to approach you when they need a purchase.
- E-mail marketing campaign can be easily analyzed using in-depth analytical and tracking tool to see who has opened your email and what specific links have been followed. Thus you can make changes accordingly and additionally target the less interested users.
So, if you are planning to launch an e-mail marketing campaign, here are some useful tips for you to follow:
- Optimize e-mail for all browser clients using e-mail marketing software. Every browser treats e-mail differently, thus make sure that the e-mail does not lose its appeal in one or some other particular browser.
- Don’t buy an e-mail list. Grow your list by bringing in more visitors through paid search, SEO, Social Media and other forms of promotion. Ask people to sign up on your website and provide relevant information.
- Always test your marketing campaign for a short list. It gives you advantage to measure and enhance the success.
- Keep your message casual and personal and in a conversational tone.
- Avoid using FREE in your subjects. Free word is suspicious for spam filters.
- Choose a subject line that grabs your reader’s attention.
- Use rich text, audio, animation, images, catchy button and hyperlinks.
- Never forget to optimize your landing page. The success of your campaign will be altered in a negative way if your leads find it difficult to reach the desired section.
- Always analyze your campaign and research all aspects for scope of improvement. An improved version of e-mail might attract the users who were not interested after viewing the former e-mail.
E-mail marketing is not an underdog and shall not be underestimated. E-mail has achieved a great stature of importance and is recognized as an unchallenged medium for a personalized and segmented approach to online marketing