The 4 Life-Phases of the Customer Relationship

Our Sales Funnel Blueprint is based upon the insight that loyal customers do not come to you already loyal – they go through a process in which they become loyal.  

And you have to treat people in your funnel according to where they are in this process.

You wouldn’t propose marriage on the first date, right? (those drunken Vegas hitches rarely work out!).

Well customer relationships are just the same.

With this metaphor in mind, take a look at an overview of the 4 Life-Phases of The Customer Relationship…

These are the 4 stages you must go through to create a loyal, long-term customer… the kind who’ll keep coming back for more, and put a regular paycheck in your pocket.

  1. ATTRACT: Make a promise that draws your target prospect to your brand/product.  This is the phase in which you make your prospects feel that you are relevant to them and could potentially offer them something of real value.  Commitment and risk at this stage should be minimal to avoid scaring off your prospects.
  2. BUILD COMFORT: Make them trust that you’ll deliver on your promise.  This is the phase in which you begin to increase intimacy with your lead. You take them on a low-risk “trial run” to show them that they’re safe to commit more to you.  Like going for coffee to suss each other out.
  3. SEDUCE: Create the more intimate setting and “seal the deal”.   This is the phase in which you increase intensity, up the hard sell – because your customer now believes you will deliver value.  Now you can offer your core products.
  4. COMMIT LONG-TERM: Finally, get them to invest in you for the long haul.  At this point you could forget about your customer and chase after new buyers.  But this would mean that you’d fail to maximise the 3rd Magic Growth Variable – the number of transactions per customer.  Which would be a MASSIVE mistake (we’ll go into more detail on this in the next post – see Major Mistake #3).

Sounds simple when you put it like that, right?

But you’d be amazed to know how many funnels fail to follow this simple sequence.

In the next post we’ll share the 3 major mistakes of a low converting, unprofitable sales funnel

In the meantime, would love to hear your thoughts on this post via the comments below, and don’t forget to share if you think this could help somebody you know!

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