Are YOU the most annoying person on Facebook?

Social media amplifies humanity.

Have you ever been to a barbecue and had to listen to someone prattle on about themselves for hours? Attended a cocktail party and had the most intriguing conversation with a tall dark stranger? Been invited to a friends place and viewed so many baby photos that you felt compelled to have a vasectomy!

Facebook, Twitter and social media take those conversations and multiply it via the crowd. Facebook is insights, conversations and news on steroids.

It  is a reflection of what makes us human, except that it is visible to billions of people. We are different, fun and sometimes boring. It is a kaleidoscope of emotions, events and the bizarre. That’s why we tune into Facebook. Its a voyeur’s paradise. Never dull and often entertaining.

So what entices us to reveal our lives online? Is it narcissism, vanity or just wanting to get something off our chest. Annoyance is noticed and often shared.

Here are the results of a fun survey to find the 10 most annoying types of people on Facebook.

The 10 most annoying people on facebook

Infographic source: 

Who and what annoys you on Facebook?

Is it the loved up couple? The shameless self promoter? Or is it the update addict? Let us know via the comments below.

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