Introducing 1-Click Template Sharing

Hey Wishloopers!

We’ve got some awesome new features for you that will make it easier than ever before to create and share Wishloop campaigns… 

(…and also open up some cool new business opportunities…)

I know you’ll be excited about this update, because it includes the most requested feature we’ve received over the past few months! 

So let’s dive straight in…

New & Improved Template Gallery

First up, we’ve given the template gallery a much needed design overhaul… 

You’re now able to filter templates in two different ways:

  • By Goal (e.g., collect email, segment, event, etc)
  • By Category (e.g., professional, seasonal, local business, etc)

Many of the templates have also received design optimisations and a few brand new ones have been added for good measure!

You’ll also notice that all new custom templates you save under “My Templates” will have a screenshot of the template in the gallery. So it will now be much easier to visually navigate all your saved templates 🙂

Already got custom templates saved?

If you have existing custom templates saved in My Templates without working thumbnails, just open up and re-save the template. This will update the template thumbnail to the new screenshot.

Revamping the template gallery paves the way for our next exciting update – which is a real gamechanger…

1-Click Template Sharing

You can now share custom templates with other Wishloop users via a unique url!

To share a custom template, simply hover over your chosen template and click “Copy Import Link”. This will copy the unique share link to your clipboard. You can then share the link with any other Wishloop users you like. 

Anyone who clicks on this link will then be taken to unique “Import Template Page”, displaying a preview of the Template. You can also personalize this page with your avatar and a custom message.

Wishloop users can then click on the button to import the template to their account. And for anyone who’s not already a Wishloop user, there’s a button to take the free 14 day trial – including your affiliate link.

This means you’ll earn commissions from anyone who tries Wishloop via one of your templates and then upgrades to a paid Wishloop account 🙂

You can also import a shared template from within the app: just click on the “Import from URL” button in the Template Gallery, and then paste in the unique url – and you’ll have a new template in your library ready to edit…

Here are a couple of ways you can take advantage of 1-click Template Sharing…

  • Share templates with clients: Run a marketing agency? Design campaigns for (potential) clients, and then share the template url. Charge a design/ setup fee and earn passive income from clients who sign up to Wishloop on your affiliate link.
  • Share templates with students: Teach online marketing or list building to online students? Create custom high-converting opt-in pages and share them with your students – making it super simple to implement your training…

This is one of the most requested features – so we’re really excited to see how you take advantage of it!

Coming Soon: The Wishloop Template Marketplace

You may be wondering where some of the Wishloop templates have gone.

Well, we’re currently in the process of re-evaluating all of them, in preparation for the launch of the Wishloop Template Marketplace!

The Template Marketplace will feature new templates that Wishloop subscribers will be able to import to their accounts.

In addition, Wishloop users will be able to submit their own template designs to the marketplace, which opens up some exciting new revenue streams – such as the ability to:

  • Earn commissions from anyone who tries Wishloop via one of your templates in the marketplace
  • Sell premium template packages to other Wishloop users

This is still a work in progress – so please let us know what you think below. What features would you like to see in the Template Marketplace?

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