Why Your Business Should be Investing More in Email Marketing (Infographic)

Email marketing hasn’t seen enough attention in recent years. This is due, in part, to the rise of social media and more immediate forms of communication.

Today I’ll show you some incredibly compelling statistics that reveal just how powerful email marketing is for your business.  Then, I’ll show you an infographic that will teach you how to send emails faster than it takes to learn how to make a website.

Email Marketing Statistics That Prove That Email Isn’t Dead

When it comes down to it, knowing how to write emails that get opened, read, and clicked is a skill that every marketing team needs.

Usually, it’s the initial effort of starting this type of marketing that proves to be an obstacle.

Here are some compelling statistics to help you and your team understand the power of this method:

As you can see, email is still alive and well, especially on mobile devices.

The infographic below is designed to show you how you can start sending emails like the professional you are.

Let us know how it helps you in the comments!

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